School Safety Matters
The safety of our students, our staff and the whole school community is our top priority. The school takes a vigilant and proactive approach to ensure a safe and health-promoting environment for all.
Our Safety Vision is “Safety for All in All Ways” to inspire our efforts to ensure a safe, secure and health-promoting environment for all students, staff and stakeholders to learn together, work together, grow together and sparkle together. The Vision also motivates us to take a comprehensive look at all aspects of safety, security and health.
The school seeks to ensure a safe, secure and health-promoting environment through the SPARKLE Safety Model:
Synergy among staff, students, parents and partners
Prevention as the cornerstone for safety
Action in safety procedures, routines and processes
Review for learning, improvement and excellence in safety practices
Knowledge for safety awareness and action through continuing education
Leadership for a culture of safety
Evidence-based and data-driven approach to safety programmes and responses
We seek the strong support and fullest cooperation from all parents for the following measures:
(A) Safety of Students
(B) Health and Wellness of Students
(C) Emergency Preparedness
(D) Positive School Tone of Care, Respect and Discipline