School Canteen
In step with the approach to be a safe and health-promoting school, the school works closely with its canteen stallholders to ensure the adoption of hygienic food preparation methods, the provision of healthier food options and the sale of food at reasonable and affordable prices to pupils and staff.
Healthy Meals in School Programme(HMSP)
Since the start of Term II in 2017, the school has implemented the Healthy Meals in School Programme (HMSP) by the Health Promotion Board (HPB). The HMSP seeks to promote healthy eating among pupils as part of the holistic development of our children. The canteen stallholders are selling set meals which include items from the four main groups, i.e. wholegrains, fruit, vegetables and meat (or others).
As part of promoting healthy living and the habit of drinking plain water among students, the school has no drinks stall in the school canteen. Students are to bring their water bottle every school day and refill the water bottle at the water coolers in the school.
There are 6 food stalls in the school canteen.
Stall Type of Food Name of Stall Owner Menu & Price List 2 Chinese Rice Stall Mdm Cheong Pui Feng Please Click Here 3 Western Food Mdm Rozita Please Click Here 4 Malay Noodles Mdm Sofia Suzan Please Click Here 5 Dim Sum Mdm Tang Ching Shih Please Click Here 6 Malay Rice Mdm Srihati Please Click Here -
Staggered Recess to avoid overcrowding and intermingling
Level Recess P1 & P4 9.00am - 9.30am P2 & P5 9.30am - 10.00am P3 & P6 10.00am - 10.30am -
The canteen also serves lunch after midday dismissal. Monday to Friday: 1.30pm to 2.15pm
Students are to abide by the following rules relating to the school canteen:
1. Students are to queue up when buying food in the canteen.
2. Students are to consume food only in the canteen.
3. Students are to return all plates and utensils to the pails provided at the canteen after eating.
4. Students should not run and play in the canteen -
The school seeks the understanding of parents and visitors on the following two matters:
1. The food prepared by the canteen stallholders is intended to be sold to students and staff members of the school.
2. Parents and visitors are not to be in the canteen during recess and lunch break.